Business English, Business German Courses.
Our Language Institute offers tailored language courses for your company. All courses conform to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and are structured to meet the specific requirements of your industry. The course content includes general language skills, practice activities (e. g. presentations, e-mails, role-play, etc.) and functionality according your specific needs.



Курсы немецкого
Курсы английского
Языковые курсы для компаний
- Course Program



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Курсы немецкого в Вене
Отзывы участников:

Игнасио Б. (Ignacio B.) (Испания), курс немецкого в Вене: Мне очень нравится эта языковая академия, и я порекомендую ее своим знакомым и будущим студентам программы Erasmus. Надеюсь, что смогу посещать дополнительные курсы немецкого, если вернусь в Вену в будущем. Так держать!

Language knowledge: the secret of successful international relations


Touristen London Language courses for your company: Gaining a competitive advantage with language knowledge 

In an international business environment, a competitive advantage is maintained through the high language competence of your employees. At abc Language Institute we understand the challenges you face and recognize the needs of both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and larger companies and institutions.

Whether business English, general English or German, we will organize a language training course adapted to your market, your industry and your business goals. The abc Language Institute has 24 years of experience in the field of languages, with professional recognition.



Целевая аудитор&:
: Please send us your contact information and we will try to organise a course as soon as possible.
Стоимость курса:




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